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Where is God in my suffering?


Have you ever felt completely abandoned by God or so confused as how he could possibly be "working for your good" in the midst of your circumstances? Do you struggle with understanding what forgiveness really means and how it plays out in our lives? Have you prayed and prayed and felt that God is still silent? Do you doubt the very existence of God but don't want to tell anyone? Do you like Jesus but really struggle with the church?

If people are honest, we all face doubts about God, why we are here, what happens when we die, our purpose, etc. Spirituality can be one of the most difficult areas for a person to address for various reasons. Below are listed a few areas of spirituality that we can navigate together in counseling. If you have any questions regarding these, feel free to call or email. 

Spiritual Abuse

Have you been part of a cult or an oppressive religious organization? Have you been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused by a leader in the church community? Are you struggling understanding how an "all loving God" could allow such brokenness within His church? Or maybe you aren't struggling at all, you're just plain angry. I would love for us to chat about this and come to an understanding of faith, God, and freedom in the gospel.


Are you on furlough? Or have you recently moved back home? Are you an MK or a TCK? Are you currently in the field and struggling with depression, trauma, or anxiety? Please, let me, or someone else help you. Here are two services I provide:

  • Re-Entry: Let's just be honest, re-entry is difficult, sometimes really difficult. Please contact me if you want to talk through the struggle and adjustments you, your spouse, or your children are facing.  

  • Trauma in the Field: Many of my friends who have served overseas have experienced some level of what they will consider trauma. I will not define what trauma is for you. But if you have experienced something that you would like help processing, overcoming, sometimes understanding please do not hesitate to contact me. 

LGBTQ Christians

Are you part of the LGBTQ community and a Christian? Are you trying to navigate your thoughts on the gospel as well as your experience of sexuality and gender identity? Have you struggled finding a church community in West Texas? Do you ever feel isolated or depressed trying to bridge your experience and your faith? I would love to help you answer questions about faith, understand God's love for you, and heal from depression that may come with being a believer and LGBTQ.


NOTE: I am often asked if I practice reparative or conversion therapy. My short answer is no. The dangers of reparative therapy far outweigh the benefits. If you have questions about this, I would love to discuss it with you in person or over the phone. My long answer is, if you are experiencing UNWANTED same sex attraction and wish to be in a heterosexual relationship, I can help you navigate that journey. If you are a parent, wanting your child to see a "Christian" counselor to "fix" the "gay" I cannot help you. Your child is not broken if they are gay. I would love to help you process what it means to have a gay son or daughter though.  

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