Body Image and Food Issues
Do you have a love/hate relationship with food? Some days you are eating healthy, enjoying the taste of the food...and the next day you are overwhelmed to the point of nausea or starving to the point of exhaustion? Do you emotionally eat? Does food give you a way to control the world you live in? Some people call it comfort. Others call it guilt. What is it for you?
We all have a relationship with food. We have to for survival.
The question then becomes, is our relationship healthy?
Body image and food issues are quite possibly two of the biggest issues
in our country. Ask any of your friends and I am sure you will find at
least one on a diet. Probably one that overeats or emotionally eats.
Probably one that spends countless hours at the gym. Probably one
that has suffered from an "eating disorder." Our relationship with
food and our bodies does not have to be this way.
There is one major misconception when it comes to
body image and food issues that needs to be addressed:
"It is only a woman's issue." LIE.
Men, just like women have struggled with their
relationship with food. Here's one man's story
of his struggle and ability to develop a healthier
relationship with his body.